10 Tips to Improve Your Mental Health Today Information

Try some or all of these suggestions to help you feel better soon. To see the best results should be consistent and be patient. You may not see immediate results, but you will feel the benefits of the time.

1) Get plenty of rest: Most people need 7-8 hours of sleep every night, more for children. Very good night's sleep will help you deal with the stress and demands of life to get physical energy. Try to go to bed every night and wake up at the same time at the same time each morning. Removes all electronics an hour before going to bed, after which the bedtime routine will help you relax and sleep. Minimize to discuss or think about stressful things before going to bed. Studies show that caffeine and alcohol can contribute to the limitation of restful sleep!

2) Exercise: You have to hear these tips everywhere. This is due to the fact that it is true. Just 30 minutes of physical activity per week, in order to increase 3-4 times the mood and reduce stress. Walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, lifting weights, garden, dancing around the room - work out! If you are not currently physically active on a regular basis, you should check your doctor to ensure that you are safe to use.

3) Take the time to only 10-15 minutes there is sunlight can improve mood. The morning light has been shown to be more effective in lifting depression, but some sunlight to help - even on a cloudy day. Read a book on your patio or lawn, walk or sit by the pool with your friends. Get out of here! (Do not forget the sunscreen.)

4) Take the time to do something for themselves: In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, people often overlook the things that they do not make you happy. Since only 15-30 minutes activity "just for you" it would be better to take a day. Try every day to do something to set aside time for yourself. Choose an activity every day and try it out. Experiment with different activities until you find a couple who finds comfortable.

5) Avoid negative "self-talk:" For the self-criticize themselves, enjoy no one will help mistakes of the past - what matters most is your help to try to increase the number of bad things to say! yourself, and how often you do this limit. Try to remember to recognize and praise the strengths and achievements!

6) I appreciate the small things: Take the time to sit and watch all the great good, or even average, to make things better during the day. Focus on these things, no matter how small, mental health will be improved. Consider reserving time for meditation, prayer, watching the sunset, etc.

7) Get proper nutrition: A good diet helps not only physical health but also mental health as well. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, rich in protein and carbohydrates, and let it do the event.

8) Minimize alcohol and drugs: to help even if the materials can make a dull pain at the moment, is a long-term (or even the next day) the effects of alcohol and drugs wild. Alcohol and drugs can cause mood disorders and cause physical discomfort long time. After the departure of the system, and the Long-term use can cause your work, relationships, health, and place it on the line

9) Smile: Research shows that send a small, natural smile, "happy" signals to the brain, even though there is nothing to make you happy. So do not hesitate to smile and give your heart a boost.

Reach 10) Confidence with other friends socializing or provide services to improve the self-esteem and other charities. Try a new club or volunteer in your local shelter or soup kitchen. Call your friends and ask them to go out to dinner or to the movies. Closer to citizens and / or something good to others, to help focus on their problems, no matter how large or small it is.
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