Media literacy is the process by which a critical analysis of the media messages, and the ability to compose messages with the tools media. Media literacy is regarded as a comprehensive concept of literacy, the ability to evaluate access and define messages in many different forms. The term usually refers to the ability to find information or to search for messages and understand to be able to interpret and open to the meaning of the message. The term refers to the process of analysis to identify and investigate the extent of the author, the audience, building, symbol systems and techniques for the construction of the message. The draft analysis also includes the ability, political, economic, social and historical context in which the media messages produced and distributed as part of appreciating the cultural system. Assessment is a process of truth, authenticity, creativity, or other characteristics to evaluate the message media that the decision of the message volume or value. Finally, the definition of media literacy includes the ability to post messages in many different forms (with language, photography, video, online media, etc.) to communicate.

Media Literacy emphasizes the ability to production methods to compose and create communications in a variety of symbolic systems and technical resources. In recent years, the media has also described an enlarged concept of literacy which embraces many of the teachers literacy. Media literacy is primarily a concept of learning outcomes in education, whose target children and adolescents opportunities to learn from the media, popular culture and communication. Media and education media are terms that refer to the teaching methods used to develop media literacy.

If directly handle many different types of species and forms in certain media and media programs communication with these specific forms. For example, the media is included in order to focus on a critical analysis of newspapers and TV news programs, print and television advertising, magazines, popular music, contemporary film, and participatory tools such as video games and the Internet. Many advocates media and teachers to benefit from the single framework: the basic concepts and issues key insights into learning identify media. Basic concepts can be studied at different ages messages to children in various media. It is as follows:

1. News building. Media does not simply reflections of external reality. On the other hand, multimedia messages carefully structures the factors the result of the decision.
2. Media messages are constructed using a creative language with its own rules. Individual media can be detected in certain items (such as cartoons, news, advertising, romance, horror, Biography). The media used symbols systems and codes and conventions verbal, visual, acoustic, music, narration or digital. For example, narrative films for children, helpless or angry adult character is a stereotype commonly used to create controversy.
3. the public to actively interpret the messages. They want a way to create multimedia messages to consume. Interpretation of the message varies on individual factors, such as level of development, personal needs and fears, situational factors, race and sexual behavior and family and cultural background.
4. Media has built its values ​​and views. Direct or indirect, ideological pressure of the media messages on topics such as human nature, social roles, authority and power, and the allocation of resources. Multimedia Messaging provides the majority of observation and experience that people use to develop a personal understanding of the world and how it works. Realizing the reality of many people in the media messages that built specifically turned to standards such as the attitudes and values ​​of performances.
It 5. instruments and effects on trade in an economic context. Media literacy aims to raise awareness of how the media contribute to the promotion of commercial and how the economy and the power is the content, production and sales of building techniques message. Children and young people as part of the global business advantages created by many of the media consumed. Questions of ownership and control is important because of the relatively small number of people who decide what we see, read and hear other media.

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