Depression is a mental health concern, covering various aspects of a person's. It affects the individual mind, energy level and overall performance and deal with everyday events. Depression affects not only the subjective experience of the individual on a daily basis, can be carried out with the ability to achieve at school, and inconvenient form healthy relationships. In severe cases, can lead to depression thoughts of death or suicide attempts.
Depression is characterized by urgent feeling depressed or low mood and loss of interest in activities. Other symptoms may problems include concentrating or making decisions, fatigue, changes in appetite (eating too much or too little), difficulty sleeping or sleeping more than usual, worthless or guilty, helpless, recurrent thoughts of death, difficulty concentration , isolation and retreat, and other symptoms. However, depression affects different people in different ways, and can appear to be very different in children. In children, depression can be more outwardly expressed outsourcing opportunities, such as aggression, oppositional defiant behavior or acting out or behavior.
Depression affects about 1 in 10 in a given year. Women are twice as likely as men to experience depression. The most common age of first experience a depressive episode 20s. However, depression is more common in children and older teenagers. If you or someone you know suffer any of these symptoms, seek psychological treatment with a qualified mental health professional a as soon as possible.
How Depression is different from sadness?
Typical life events such as job loss, relationship problems, or the death of a loved one, often leads to sad or "depressed". In fact, it would be unusual if the events make a sad. But the economic crisis and the bad mood is not the same. While pain is a normal response to negative life events, handling time, depression is very common, painful, debilitating combination of emotional and physiological symptoms. Depression can for contributions ranging from weeks to a year.
Types of depression
Depression - Depression is the official title of depression last for at least two weeks or more. These episodes affect the function or significant distress, and the sufferer feels during an episode of major depression often depression.
Dysthymia - dysthymia dysthymia different depression (MDD) in two important. First of all, depressed mood or Anhedonia (inability to pleasure from activities generally pleasant experience to find out), there are only 50% of the time, unlike most of the day, every day MDD. Most of the symptoms of dysthymia and MDD is the same; , Dysthymia, is a common feature of despair, as people often lose their faith that their depression growth.
Please Bipolar disorder - Bipolar disorder, depression can include, but differs from these two diagnoses, that is bipolar disorder with a delicate times excessively elevated mood, energy, or the type and / or irritability, which can be seen in depression, it is. This time is known with manic episodes.
And psychotherapeutic drugs have to be both effective in the treatment of depression; But there are also significant benefits of psychotherapy. Drugs can be very effective in treating biological aspects of brain depression. It may, however, psychotherapy to cope with an individual and the circumstances of their lives, as well as to help the customer find and interpret the causes of depression and technical research, depression without medication to control learning. So although the drug faster than psychotherapy can provide relief from depressive symptoms may disappear when the relief medication is to be taken now. On the other hand, a bit of research shows that people can get psychotherapy is less recurrence of depression. The study also showed that the success of treatment is higher in those who received both psychotherapy and medication, can be another form of treatment or the other.
Treat depression tend to identify situations, thoughts, feelings and behaviors that contribute to depression. This can be through self-reflection, conversations carried out a therapist or self-control. Then the patient can learn new, useful ways to deal with these situations.
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