If you have a kind of "frying pan" should get rid of it quick, because if ...

If you have a kind of "frying pan" should get rid of it quick, because if ...

Madrid (News) today 'non-stick' pots and pans, particularly Meanwhile practice quite common and people who buy them are relatively expensive, is about the food that they are not jealous nor sticks. This feature of these vessels is quite charming, but the scientists who told about the risks he is very frightened.
                       According to news site healthfoodhouse.com 200 scientists at a conference held in Spain a special document "Madrid Document" which has been signed non-stick pots are poison for your health. Scientists say that Polly and are used prfluru alkayl that physical metabolism, immune system and ruin ayndukrayn system, are toxic to the liver. When these vessels are hot these chemicals from food poisoning is increased. Food and paper to pack the material is being used in making pottery and has become a major threat to human health.
                      Experts say that the material derived from the vessels as "PFASs" is written on a vessel, so if you see the letters written to him rather than to throw in the garbage bin is beneficial.
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