What Is Anxiety? Information

Anxiety is a normal human emotion that is characterized by anxiety, fear, anxiety, insecurity or fear. Anxiety usually occurs in response to thinking and realistic or potentially threatening to predict situation or circumstances. The stress may be associated with a number of physical symptoms such as palpitations. Normally, people are able to find the source of their anxiety, but not always. Sometimes the fear of nothing seems to come.

What is an anxiety disorder?

While anxiety is a normal human emotion to care in response to a stressful event or a particular situation, it can be so strong that it will be a real mental disorder. Anxiety disorders differ from the normal, day-to-day experience of fear, because they are important determinants of human activity on a regular basis. Symptoms of anxiety may be a panic, obsessions, which are difficult to control, be physical symptoms of unwanted and intrusive memories, or. These physical symptoms can tachycardia, stomach pain, muscle tension, shortness of breath, high blood pressure, a flood of adrenaline or other physical sensations. Fear can prevent people with their duties, functions were also completed work or school, or get along with others. Some stress can also restrictions on leaving his home. People with anxiety disorders are not helpful coping strategies, such as the shift to the use of drugs or alcohol to try to reduce their suffering. There are many types of anxiety, anxiety disorder, and none use the same.

Types of anxiety disorders

Panic disorder - Panic disorder is characterized by the presence of recurrent, unexpected panic attacks associated with concerns about an attack, the consequences of a panic attack or a significant change in the behavior of the attack.

The real panic attack is limited in time, a discrete period of intense fear or discomfort, suddenly developed and reached a peak within 10 minutes. During a panic attack, the person has symptoms such as palpitations, sweating, trembling or shaking, breathless, heartburn or if the person does not love to be able to experience his breath, afraid to lose control of, and fear of death.

Agoraphobia -. "Escape" Panic disorder is sometimes an intense fear of places or situations that are difficult or be accompanied leave when a person is afraid of these situations where you are rarely avoid at home, is a diagnosis of Agoraphobia justified. Agoraphobia is typically carried out in the presence of panic disorder; It is possible to experience agoraphobia without the diagnostic criteria for panic disorder.

General anxiety disorder - General anxiety disorder is characterized by severe, daily care, which is difficult to control and interfere with daily activities. Furthermore, diffuse, uncontrollable restlessness, some general anxiety disorder is often accompanied by a series of physiological symptoms, such as difficulty concentrating, sleep problems, fatigue and muscle tension.

PTSD (PTSD) - PTSD differs from other anxiety disorder diagnosis, because it requires that the person experienced or seen, an event that is life-threatening or endanger the physical safety of yourself or another person was. This involves a sense of hopelessness, or inability to use the situation in this case under control. As a general rule, that people post-traumatic stress prevalent among soldiers, originally recorded in this diagnosis widely used in the First World War, when the "shock-shell." However, PTSD is due to a number of other physical conditions such as severe or the victim of sexual abuse of being, a victim of a violent crime a serious car accident, or living in a natural disaster. Specific symptoms of PTSD can include feeling like experiencing conditions or to avoid re-live the traumatic event in one way or another way, the individual states of the traumatic event, and elevated levels of normal tuning recalls.

Specific phobias - phobias of specific anxiety only in the presence of a particular stressor. Examples of specific phobias are arachnophobia (fear of spiders), dizziness (vertigo) and claustrophobia (fear of confined). People with specific phobias avoid the dreaded thing, and usually experience intense discomfort when, as someone has claustrophobia yourself in a situation where you have to endure what I fear most easily lift needs a certain floor of a large building.

Social phobia - In social anxiety disorder, is a stressor in which a person, meet new people or to assess the exposure of others. A person with social phobia fear of embarrassment or show fear, and know that the fear is irrational.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) - OCD have obsessions or compulsion in either (or both) that is excessive or unreasonable. Obsessions is defined as recurrent, persistent thoughts, impulses or images that produce stress. These obsessions are not worried about realistic problems and the person feels compelled to stress and reduce their obsessions way or another. Compulsions are repetitive behaviors that the person feels driven to perform in order to try to inspire fear, anxiety, or the possibility of reducing the dreaded outcome. Excessive hand washing, and whether the doors are closed, are examples of some of the compulsive behavior most frequently cited cope suffers from OCD.

Anxiety disorders not otherwise specified (NOS) - By far the most common diagnosis in this category, anxiety disorder NOS diagnosis given when a person work with high anxiety that extremely disturbing and / or affect the ability to work, school or social relationships. The diagnosis and the specific symptoms of any other specific diagnostic categories fit.


Fortunately extensive research and development program has shown that a number of very successful method for treating anxiety. Some types of psychotherapy depends on the individual, the type of individual stress and duration of treatment may vary depending on the different variables. Studies show that psychotherapy offers the best long-term relief of anxiety as a treatment, give the customer a very specific instruments used to control anxiety. Medication is often prescribed for people with anxiety disorders and drug therapy can provide immediate relief; But the drug is not to learn specific techniques and tools that customers lead to long-term changes. If you think you may have a great fear of suffering from a qualified psychologist or other qualified psychologists licensed to instructions should be given in order to find relief.

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